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Youtube Viewer,Auto Comment,Auto Like

This is about viewer Youtube from link web or redirect web,auto comment,auto like without risk banned maybe. not about earning youtube. Method this bot about IP using auto dial or reset connection on dial up. IP will be change if IP ISP your country dynamic like on my country. or auto dial vpn (virtual private network) support application browser : - Mozilla Firefox 35 under version - chrome all version for other application browser maybe i will update so stay on my channel :D about cookies,auto clear cookies every value auto load new browser Feature : 1. Youtube Viewer using link or using redirect. you can using your web or other web 2. auto comment 3. auto like Get my bot on support tools this bot need activation and every 30 days. you can get activation from me.the activation redeemed for $ 7, but you can try at your home with 2 viewer,then a

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Yaa Rosulallah Salamun 'Alaik Ahbabul Musthofa

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Khoirol Bariyah nadzroh ilayya Ahbabul Musthofa

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id SeNdiri

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